Medium Monday
We read your mind and came up with the perfect deal. Get two Medium (14") 2-topping pizzas for only $30!
Fat Tuesday
Huzzah!! Let the celebration continue all year long. Take $3 off any stuffed pizza!
Happy Hump Day (Wednesday):
A special to get you through the week, One 16" 2-topping pizza, a small cheesebread, and 2-liter of soda for just $23!
ThursDay of the Darned
Dare I say the sandwiches are better than the pizza. For shame. Try Two with one of our Large Salads for just $24!
Friday Night Delight
Let the weekend begin! NOW WITH 2 CHOICES EACH FOR $35
Two 16" 2-topping pizzas
16" 2-topping pizza, large cheesebread, and a large salad
Two 16" 2-topping pizzas
16" 2-topping pizza, large cheesebread, and a large salad